Friday, February 27, 2015

Day 51: It's Thursday, already??

Today was a pretty typical marketing + Italian classes day. In between classes I prepared for our mock midterm in Italian, and went to the gym after. After I got home, I facetimed mom and dad for a while because they're both snowed in from work. After that, I got some work done and headed to dinner. Dinner was salad, bowtie pasta with red sauce and the applie-pie type thing for desert. After dinner I finished up some school work, packed and did some planning for the weekend, and went to bed. At the end of the night as I was trying to fall asleep, it hit me tomorrow is already Friday which is the start of my last weekend trip before my second 10-day trip, but yet it feels like we got home from our first two seconds ago... Where is the time going??

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