Monday, February 23, 2015

Day 45: Berlin trains forever cursed

This morning I got up, did last minute packing for Berlin and headed to class. We had a quiz and then, because she's so awesome, Kim shortened our lecture and let us out just after 10:30 so we all had plenty of time to make our trains for this weekend. My group for this weekend will be myself, Amy, Loren, Rachel and Laura. We caught the 12:11 train with a good majority of the other groups to first go towards Zurich. We got off just before Zurich (where we then separated from everyone) and then went to Basel. We then should've had a straight shot to Berlin from there, however around 8:30 I got woken up by Amy telling me our train had been stopped for nearly half an hour because the breaks weren't working properly... GREAT NEWS. We sat around, stressed about how we would get a new train, etc for around an hour, in which they then announced (in German, so luckily a really nice guy translated for us) that they'd be able to get us to the next station and send us a new train. We went to Frankfurt South and waited until the train came, which ended up putting us a little over 2 hours behind schedule. After getting the new train, the rest of traveling was pretty smooth. Once arriving in Berlin around 1:30, we figured out the metro type system they have to get to our hostel. While in the station, we witnessed a guy get arrested, which was another scary beginning to our trip, but once we made it to the hostel and all settled in, we felt much better and were ready to see what Berlin would bring us next.

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