Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Day 42: Can I just sleep all day please?

Getting up this morning I felt absolutely horrible. I was so overly exhausted and congested and felt awful all throughout class. But I did get to meet our new teacher, who is really awesome and I really think I will like her and enjoy the class. At the end of class, we got our groups assigned for our final project and I am with Raleigh, Emily C, Alex B, Kate O and Colleen, so I’m pretty excited about it. After class, I came straight home and took a nap, which made me feel a little better. After my nap, I finally got the egg and avocado sandwich I had been craving for weeks and then did some homework before dinner, which was some pork, rice thing, broccoli and the apple-pie like desert. After dinner, I cleaned my room up a  little and went to bed fairly early.

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