Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Day 43: Lugano is beautiful.

Today I woke up feeling much better, thankfully. I went to class, where we took another quiz and worked more on our group project. After class I went to the gym and on the walk home I just admired how beautiful Lugano really is, and realized how much I’ve been taking it for granted lately. I then came home and made another yummy egg and avocado sandwich. I worked on some homework and attempted to gather my laundry… which was a fail. My mesh bag got dumped out again and i’m missing leggings L but anyway, dinner was pretty good with the little chicken nuggets things, carrots, and potatoes, and the good lime sorbet for dessert. After dinner, we started booking our second 10-day to Paris, Brussels, and Amsterdam. I then worked on some more homework and then went to bed.

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