Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Day 25: Carnival in Venice… well kinda… not really

Saturday morning we woke up early and grabbed breakfast at the hostel. It was slightly disappointing because options were very, very basic and they charged extra (after the 4 euro we paid for each morning) for better options, but it was fine and filled an empty spot. After breakfast we headed into town to see more of Venice. Our main goal before lunch was for everyone to find a mask for our carnival activities that evening. It was quite a hunt, but we eventually found one (and for others, two) that we all were in love with. We then grabbed lunch by the water, where Sheley and I shared cheese gnocchi and a spinach and ricotta pasta that was so yummy.
After lunch, our group split and we headed to take a gondola ride. It was six of us: me, Sheley, Annie, Taylor, Emily, and Monica. The gondola ride was really cool and our gondola boat man (or whatever it’s called) was adorable. He was great dealing with our group and it definitely would not have been the same experience with someone else.
After the gondola ride, we grabbed gelato from a local place near St. Marco Square and I finally found mint chocolate chip that I had been searching for called “After Eight.” Then we headed back to the hostel to get ready for the evening. Sheley and I went to the grocery store just down from our hostel and grabbed some snacks and “drinks” for the evening. All of us then finished getting ready and hung out down at the bar of the hostel until we left to go meet up with another group who were staying in an apartment in town.

We all took the water taxi into town together and it was so much fun. We then wandered around trying to find the address for a while being obnoxious and loud with all our masks and “let’s go hokies” chants. We then hung out with everyone at the apartment and a couple girls had a little too much fun so a group of us walked them back to the hostel. After we got back, Sheley, Michael, and I hung out in the lobby with some other people before heading to bed.

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