Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Day 24: Verona and Venice!

This morning we woke up super early and caught the 7:45 train to Milan, which we then caught to Verona. We arrived in Verona just before noon. We stored our luggage in the train station and then headed with another group around town. We were all together but then decided to seperate because nearly twenty girls walking around is essentially impossible. We first headed to Juliet's balcony and then to a castle. We walked around the town some more and then headed back to the train station to head to Venice.
I napped on the way and we arrived in Venice just as the sun was setting, which was beautiful to say the least. After admiring the sunset, we bought our water taxi passes and took our first journey through Venice. Because Venice is so surrounded by water, they essentially don't have streets, so to wander through the city, you wander through allies of all different sizes. It took some adjusting and some help from people we passed, but we found our way to St. Marco Square and decided to choose a dinner location. We found a couple we were interested in, and then realized another group from our trip was already dining there, so we went with that place. I ordered a Bellini, a original Venice cocktail and a margarita pizza.

We enjoyed our dinner and then caught our first water taxi to our hostel. First water taxi was quite an interesting experience because its essentially a simple bus system... but by boat. We got off the taxi and then made our way to the hostel. After getting to hostel a couple girls grabbed drinks from the bar by check-in and then we made our way to our room... most definitely a step up from Hotel Modern in Munich. I was in an 8-person room with Sheley, Morgan, Lindsey, Raleigh, Lindsey, Monica, and Annie. I got a bottom bunk in the far corner by the window with a stunning view, thanks to Sheley snagging it for us. We all got settled and decided to stay in and just hang out at the bar our hostel had in the lobby for the night, which was still really fun because a large majority of our group was staying at the same hostel so we all got to hang out together. We all hung out, played some flip cup, sang obnoxiously loud, and then went to bed.

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