Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Day 33: Can I never leave Dublin?

Today we got up and had our normal hostel breakfast and then headed across town to take a tour of the Guinness factory. While I knew it would be a cool experience, I had no idea how interesting of a process it was to make the beer. Besides just the tour, we also got to get a free pint of Guinness and see a panoramic view of Dublin from the top of the factory.
After Guinness, we headed to trinity college and to see the Book of Kells, which was really cool as well. For dinner that evening, we headed back to the oldest pub in Dublin earlier to make sure we had time to eat and get the whole experience before heading back to do the pub crawl we did Friday night again. At the pub, we split phenomenal fried brie for an appetizer, and then I got an amazing seafood chowder for dinner. After the pub, we went back to Workman's and did the pub crawl again. We headed to the same locations as Friday evening, just in a slightly different order.
On the pub crawl, we met this co-ed fraternity group from Holland and hung out with all of them for most of the night. After we left the last club for the evening, we were very sad to see that our Burger Hut place from Friday night was not open as late on Sunday nights, so we had to head back to the hostel without our "delicious" late night snack.

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