Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Day 27: Quizzes on Quizzes

Today waking up from such an amazing weekend was a struggle, just as every other Monday appears they are going to be. We had a quiz in our class with Brinberg and yet another 30 minute complain session about grades… getting old real fast. But once we got past that, I went to the gym in between class and then studied more for my first Italian quiz. In Italian we talked about our Venice trip and did the first quiz which was just like the mock quiz she gave us the Thursday before so it was fairly easy. 
After Italian I came home and showered and got some things done and then we got to hang out with some Franklin students at the Continental. We had some yummy appetizers and Prosecco, and I got to meet a couple Franklin students, which was really cool to hear about their different experiences and reasoning for coming here. After appetizers, we had amazinggggg lasagna, but we were all dying because we had eaten so many appetizers, but yet we wanted to keep eating the lasagna. We also started the “selifes with Brinbeg” movement, which was hilarious because he loved every second of it. After dinner I met with my group to start our final project and then got some other school work done before heading to bed.

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