Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Day 26: Leaving Italy is always a sad day :(

This morning we woke up and did our disappointing hostel breakfast again. After breakfast we headed into town to see Saint Mark’s Basilica and the bell tower. We then grabbed yummy Nutella pastries and headed to Murano to see the glass factory. After watching the demonstration, we took a look around the gift shop and then headed to a place another group had found the day before for lunch. They randomly found a place that had been on the Michillen list for the past several years and I would have to say it was the best meal I’ve had thus far. I ordered crab gnocchi and am drooling now thinking about it again. 
After we had lunch, we grabbed the water taxi back to our hostel and grabbed our bags to take to the train. We tried getting gelato before but somehow managed to forget where it was so we decided to head to the station, when we realized we underestimated time and ended up having to sprint from the taxi to the train to make sure we made it.
We took the train into Milan which was running behind so we all had to then sprint through the crowded train station to catch the train from Milan to Lugano. While it was a pain to stand in the crowded train, I got to meet with a family who had moved around all different places in America and Europe for the father’s job, and it was cool to hear about all their experiences. Once we got back into Lugano, I ate a quick dinner and got some work done. My plan was to head to a party with some Franklin students to watch the Superbowl, but I was too tired and worried about the two quizzes we have tomorrow to actually go, so I stayed in and got some sleep.

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