Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Day 40: Eye love London

The next morning we got up and headed to the Tower of London, which was way better than expected. Seeing all the history and different displays throughout was beyond words. We spent a majority of the day there and then walked around London some to find some souvenirs and then headed over to the London eye. 
While we got in line at sunset, by the time we got on and began, it had already become night, which was still beautiful. You never really realize how large a city is until you see it from up above, and it was gorgeous. After the eye, we found a place for dinner, which we thought was going to be a cool sports bar, but ended up being a random place that a bunch of French guys wanted to watch a soccer match at… so it was a tad awkward, but the food was very good. After dinner, we headed back to the hostel and packed because we have to leave so early for our flight the next day.

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