Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Day 32: PaddyWagon!

This morning we woke up early and went on an all-day Paddy Wagon tour. We started the tour just a few minute walk from our hostel and met up with Sheley's roommate Emily's group so I sat next to Mari on the bus. The main excursion for the tour was the Cliffs of Moher, but we made several other stops on the way and the way back, as well. We stopped at a chocolate shop, Corcomroe Abbey, Bunratty castle, the "mini cliffs," lunch at Fitzpatrick's bar, where Sheley and I both had a delicious salmon dish. After lunch, we headed to the actual cliffs, and it was a view you had to experience to understand. 
No picture could ever grasp the beauty of those cliffs. We got to spend about an hour and a half there, but I could've easily spent 3-4 hours. After leaving, we headed back a different way with some windy back roads that didn't settle well with some of our stomachs. On the way back we stopped at a little souvenir shop and then I napped for the rest of the way. Once we got back, we cleaned up some at the hostel and then tried to go eat at the oldest pub in Ireland, but realized the kitchen was closed after walking all the way there. We then tried a couple places finally decided on this little cafe where I got a Brie and cranberry panini and a Guinness. After the cafe, we stopped in Badbob's, the place we would've gone the night before at the end of the pub crawl if we had stayed the entire time. Because we were so tired from the all-day tour, Sheley, Amy and I decided to head back to the hostel after staying there for a bit, while everyone else checked out another bar or two.

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