Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Day 30: Off to the UK!

This morning I woke up and got ready for our presentation. Our group was assigned the slot for 10 so it was nice to sleep in a bit, even if it was only like 30 minutes. Our presentation went really well and then we all hugged Brinberg bye because that was the last time we'd see him until April :( after the presentation I came back, worked out a little, packed and got ready to leave. Once I was packed I headed back to Franklin for Italian and then as soon as I got back, we caught the train to Milan. Train to Milan was normal, then we caught a bus to the Milan airport. Stress was high going through the airport about backpack size and weight, but everyone got through with a breeze and made it onto the plane after a very odd shuttle that appeared to just go in circles over and over again. Sheley, Rachel and I lucked out with seats all beside each other and then after almost an hour delay, we were in the air on the way to Dublin. The plane ride was pretty easy, not a ton of leg room, but it could've been worse. Once we landed we got all our passports stamped and found the bus we needed to take to get to the city centre where our hostel was located. We're staying at Abraham's Hostel until Tuesday morning. It's just a basic hostel, not as nice as the Generator from last weekend but definitely better than Hotel Modern. After we checked in, we all got settled and went to sleep around 1 o'clock (but felt like 2 because of an hour change in time zones).

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