Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Day 52: Such a love-hate relationship with trains

Today I woke up and went to class, where Kim let us out a little early so we had time to make it to our trains and all. My group for this trip to Nice was myself, Sheley, Amy, Raleigh, Kaitlyn, Alex M, Morgan T, Kate S, Colleen, Claudia, Erin, Katie, Halee and Laura. We caught the train to Milan with a couple other groups around 12:30. After arriving in Milan, over half of the girls needed to purchase their reservations for the next train to get us to Nice in which they found out it was sold out. After a long, stressful process of figuring out how they all were going to get there, I met up with the girls who had already purchased the tickets and we got on the train. While we were all unfortunately separated, it was a pretty easy and nice train ride. Once we arrived, Raleigh, Morgan, Kaitlyn, Alex and myself headed to check-in to the hostel. We stayed at Hotel Meyeer Beach, which was a cute little hostel very close to the water. The receptionist was super helpful at check-in because of the group split and told us we could just pay for everything the next day once we figured out how the other group was going to get here.
After checking in, we headed out to dinner. On the way, we got to see parts of the carnival going on, which was really fun and cool to be welcomed into the city by. After searching for a good place, we found a restaurant called Milo's where we all split a delicious guacamole appetizer and then Alex and I split a four-cheese pasta dish which was excellent. Milo's also had a great deal on wine, so we ended up having a long, relaxing dinner, full of lots of glasses of wine. After dinner we made a quick stop at a bar we passed but didn't love the atmosphere of, and then headed to a bar called Wayne's. It had a bar area and then a room full of tables for everyone to dance on, which was a TON of fun as well. We all had a great time and then headed to back to the hostel where we found that the rest of the group had made it and we all went to bed to get ready for the next day.

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