Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Day 73: Off to Barcelona!

Today I woke up and got all my stuff together to leave for Barcelona right after class. Class was a little interesting because Harvey and Duffey went on a rant about us "taking advantage" of them, which we all were taken back by because we didn't quite understand what was going on, but we all got through it and it was over before we knew it. After class, we headed to the train station and took the train to Milan. Once we got to Milan, we had to take a shuttle to the airport and once we got to the airport we had a bit of a struggle of one of the employees trying to make us check our bags because they were "too big," but after some perseverance, we all made it fine and got on the plane.
The plane ride was smooth and from there we took at taxi to our hostel. This time we stayed at St. Jordi's Rock Hostel, which was really nice and a chill atmosphere. After settling in, we headed to Rosa Negro, a place recommended to us by a lot of people. We had to wait over an hour to be seated so we headed to a bar up the street to kill time. Once we got to Rosa Negro, we were all starving but they gave us free nachos for having to wait, so that was cool. For dinner, I had the chicken and guacamole tacos with a side of rice beans, as well as a couple really yummy mojitos. After dinner, Candace, Michael and I went to Chapitos, a shots bar also recommended to us. It was a pretty small bar, but they offered over 200 different shots, which was really fun to experience. We made friends with the bartender after a while and tried a couple things. One shot was a the boy-scout shot, where they literally lit the bar on fire and had use roast marsh mellows as part of it. After spending some time there and trying out some random shots, we decided to head back and go to sleep to get ready for the next day.

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