Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Day 62: Paris to Brussels

Today we got up very early to go to the Louvre and get in line before it opened so we wouldn't have to wait hours to get in. We checked out of the hostel, out our things in storage, and then took the metro there. We stood in line for about forty-five minutes and then spent about two and a half hours in the Museum. While I'm definitely glad I went and saw some of the more famous works of art there, it was a very overwhelming experience to say the least. The museum has so many different rooms and each room has so many different things to look at inside, it's hard to really appreciate what is around you without spending literally days there.
After the Louvre, we headed to Monte Martre and Sheley and I separated from the group because they were spending more time in Paris than we were. We walked around Monte Martre, visited the church there, relaxed by the beautiful view, and then headed back to the hostel to get our things. We stopped at the grocery store before heading to the train station and got our baguettes we wanted from the night before.
We made it to the train station and tried to reserve our trains, but the one we wanted wasn't available
to be reserved that day so we had to train to Lilly, France and then to Brussels. Once we got to Brussels, we took the metro to our hostel and then checked in. In Brussels we stayed in Menninger, which was probably the nicest one we've stayed in so far. We had a large room with our own bathroom, a table, and it was amazing. We showered and then headed out to a place for dinner that we saw a flyer for at check-in. Just before heading out, though, we got a message from the other group saying they were stuck in Paris for another night due to a train strike, so we were pretty worried about them, but they assured us they were fine. We then took our walk through not the greatest part of Brussels at a failed attempt at dinner, so we just came back to the hostel, got beer and nachos at the bar and then headed to bed.

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