Thursday, March 5, 2015

Day 57: Group projecttttt

Today I got to sleep in more than usual because instead of having our normal scheduled class, we had group meetings and basically just a work day all day for our projects. Unfortunately, though, I woke up normal time and didn't really get any extra sleep... just my luck. But anyway, we had our meeting with Kim, got a majority of our project done, I went to the gym and then we met up again to finish up the project. We then went to dinner which was pork, green beans, potatoes and the yummy raspberry sorbet. After dinner, we all proofread our project, prepared for our presentation, and I booked my flight home from Croatia for the third 10-day break. I then went face-timed mom and went to sleep because we have to get up extra early tomorrow for presentations and we all know how horribly I function without sufficient sleep.

*disclaimer: image does not apply to my group project... I love them all ;)

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