Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Day 56: Such a beautiful day!

Today was our last official class day for marketing research. We had our last quiz and last lecture and then got into group to continue finishing up our final projects. After class I had another long day at the gym and it wasn't busy at all, which was a really nice change. After the gym, I realized on the walk back what an absolutely beautiful day it was and did not want to go inside at all the rest of the day. I then reserved my train ticket to Paris this weekend for the 10-day with Sheley, Amanda, Rachel and Amy. I then went to dinner which was the chicken leg with mixed veggies and chocolate pudding... with a very interesting looking pear sauce on top. Not the most appealing looking or best combo, but I was starving so of course I still ate every bite. After dinner, I booked a hostel with my group for Barcelona the weekend after this coming up break which is going to be myself, Amanda, Michael, Rachel, Amy, Sofia, Candace, Jess, Kellsie and Leighton. Then I just had a fairly relaxing night because we don't have class tomorrow and our group project is well on its way to being finished.

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