Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Day 55: Italian Midterm...

Today was a normal Monday... exhausted from the weekend and never wanting to leave my bed, but I had a super busy day so that wasn't possible. It was normal in class with lecture and more group project work. We started analyzing the data from our research and found out that 180 some people took our survey so a big shoutout to everyone who did! After class I studied in the library for my italian midterm which, was ya know, not the greatest test I've ever taken but I guess we'll see how badly it actually went on Thursday when I get the grade back. After Italian, I went to the gym and then to the grocery store. Soon after that, I met with my group to work on stuff for our project and then went to dinner. Dinner was salad, pasta with vodka sauce, and the cake-batter like cream thing for dessert. After dinner I did the last bit of reading for our last quiz and then worked on some other things before heading to bed.

1 comment:

  1. This is Kassandra with a K........we miss you Morgie!
