Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Day 53: Never leaving Nice

Today I woke up in one one of the most beautiful places I've ever been and probably will ever be. Nice is absolutely stunning and I could not wait to take on the day. For breakfast, we just grabbed quick things from the hostel and then first headed to a market just across town. On the way, we stopped and looked at the beauty of the beach and fell in the love with the beautiful weather. At the market, Sheley and I split an amazing thing of fresh strawberries and then we all walked around looking at everything there.
After we spent a fair amount of time at the market, we headed to a highly recommended bagel place called Emilie's. I was beyond happy about this stop because I have been deprived of bagels since being in Europe and they're my favorite. After the delicious bagels, we walked around and then headed to the beach and relaxed for a while. We all were speechless at how amazing the scenery surrounding the beach was. We also were very surprised by the fact that the beach has smooth stones as a base instead of sand, which we found was very easy to get used to and not nearly as uncomfortable as you think.
After spending some time on the beach, we headed up a mountain to see one of the gorgeous waterfalls in Nice. We then headed back down and walked around the town some more. We grabbed some yummy sorbet and interesting risotto balls for an afternoon snack and then headed towards where the carnival was about to begin. Kate and Colleen stayed back to take a ride on the ferris wheel, while the rest of us headed back to the hostel to get ready for dinner.
Dinner we took a suggestion from the hostel receptionist because all our other recommendations were closed for the evening. We ended up going to a french restaurant called Lu Fran Calin. There the group split an appetizer spread with a variety of Nice's famous foods and then for dinner I had the special of a spinage-type veggie with ricotto cheese and other yummy ingredient which was excellent.
 After dinner we walked through town and stopped and watched some of the parade going on which was bizzare to say the least. The different floats and characters in the parade were very... just odd and we are still curious as to what kind of traditions led to it, but it was fun nonetheless. After getting back from the carnival, we all had planned to go back out to Wayne's again from the night before, but decided we were all a bit too tired so we just hung out and eventually headed to sleep.

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