Monday, March 16, 2015

Day 59: Off to Paris!

This morning we got up super early to catch the 6am train to Zurich to then switch the train that would take us to Paris. My travel group for this second 10-day is myself, Sheley, Amy, Amanda, Rachel, Leighton and Kellsie. Amanda's best friend from home will also be traveling with us, but her flight won't get in to Paris until tomorrow. Leighton and Kellsie chose to get a night sleeper train to Paris so they left last night and we met with them once our train arrived. I tried to be helpful and look up direction to our hostel from the train station ahead of time, but accidentally chose the wrong train station, so we had a little trouble figuring things out at first. We tried taxiing, but a driver told us it was less than a 5 minute walk away, but he was obviously confused because we then figured out it was over a 10 minute metro ride away. But once we figured it out, the hostel was directly outside of the metro station, so that was a relief. 
We're staying at the Generator hostel like we did in Venice and got all checked in fine and met up with Leighton and Kellsie. They had done some things in the morning and had other plans for the afternoon, so we decided to head to a market Amy had heard about. Once we navigated to the market, we realized it wasn't what we were expecting so we didn't stay long. After that we wandered around for a bit and then found a sandwich shop to grab dinner. I got a sandwich with prosciutto, walnuts, and some of the best Brie I've ever had. Once we got dinner, we went back to the hostel and got changed to go out for the night. Sheley wasn't feeling well so she stayed in, but the rest of us headed to a bar recommended by one of the other girls that was randomly closing at 10pm, so we headed to one close by Amy had looked up called the Angry Violin (well, at least that was the english translation). We hung out there for a bit and then came home to get ready for our first real day in Paris the next day.

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