Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Day 68: Is this train over yet?

This morning we woke up early to catch the train back to Lugano. We tried grabbing snacks at the supermarket near our hostel, but it hasn't opened yet, so we just had to get what we could from the train station. Our train left at 8:05 taking us to Basel at 2:45 and then a 3:10 train from Basel to Lugano. Because the train didn't require a reservation, we had a bit of trouble finding open seats, but I got lucky and found one I was able to stay in the whole way back. A lot of the other girls had to move around, and some even had to stand a while, but I pretty much napped the whole way :) Once we got back to Lugano, I grabbed dinner at Pico Bello, unpacked and got ready to start our new class tomorrow.

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