Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Day 75: Barcelona was great... train station sleep was not

Today we got up, checked out of the hostel, put our stuff in storage, and then headed to the sister place of the restaurant we went to yesterday called the traveling cake. Because we were a tad earlier, this place wasn't too busy and we all got to eat there together. There I got a bagel with mango, avacado and chicken, with yummy potatoes on the side.
After breakfast we took a taxi to Park Guell to see the mosaic art and then saw La Sagrada Familia church. After so, we headed the beach for a bit and then grabbed lunch at Surf House, another recommendation from our fellow travelers. There I got shrimp tacos which were very tasty. After lunch, we walked around the beach area more and then headed back to the hostel to get our things and head to the airport.
We took a taxi to the airport and then took our flight into Turin. From there, we had to bus to the Turin train station, which then took us to Milan Centrale... that we had to sleep in for the night. While I've been sketched out during the day in a train station, there's nothing quite like them in the wee hours of the night.
After hanging out with the homeless for way longer than I would ever have liked, we took a taxi to a different train station around 5 am which took us to Chiasso, which we then took to Lugano. We got back around 8:30 and now I guess it's time to move into Monday's blog post... even though I still haven't slept...

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