Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Day 63: Senna and Delerium

Today Sheley and I got up and bought the hostel breakfast to start the day. Although it was more expensive than most other places, it wasn't really up to par so we just stuffed our faces with what we could to make it worth it and then headed to the lobby to meet for the walking tour. As we were waiting, the rest of our group arrived from traveling from Paris, but they decided to nap rather than try and join us for the walking tour. We waited and waited and then finally the hostel people gave us directions to try and meet with the rest of the tour because apparently there was a mix up with who was supposed to come walk us to our hostel.
Unfortunately, because we were behind schedule and didn't know exactly where we were going, well missed it so Sheley and I decided to explore with the map she got from the front desk until the next walking tour in the afternoon. We first explored the different streets of Brussels and then decided to try and find Delirium. Delirium is a bar/club that everyone we told that we were going to Bruseels raved about how we HAVE to go there. When we finally found it, we saw that it was like a little side street neighborhood called Delirium cafe where the main bar was, a cafe, and then two other bars as well. Delirium currently holds the world record for variety of beers with over 3,000 beers and counting on their menu.
After checking out Delirium, we walked around some more and then headed back to get a snack before our tour began. We stumbled upon this place called Fritland that obviously served fries, which the map kept going on and on about how good they were... we had no idea what we were getting ourselves into. These fries knocked every other fry I've ever had out of the park with no questions whatsoever. Sheley and I split this round and knew they were going to be a reoccuring thing during our time in Brussels.
We then started the walking tour, which was done by a guy originally from Brussels named Senna. He took us around all different parts of Brussels like the main square, their peeing man statue, a park, gardens, etc. After the tour, we decided to head back to the hostel to meet with the rest of the group and see what they wanted to do for the evening. We came back and they were all napping so we waited a while for them to wake up and then we decided we would go to this Chinese place called Chow City for dinner as mentioned on Sheley's map. There I got the special of sweet and sour chicken and it was some of the best I've ever had.
After dinner, we headed to Delirium where we met some Americans from Florida, Texas, etc. who were all traveling as well. We hung out with them for most of the night and they were lots of fun. We heard about all the places they had been and towards the end of the night one of the guys decided he wanted to buy the Delirium hats, which we of course stole and took pictures with. We then all decided it was time to go home... and may or may not have made a pit stop at Fritland on the way home :)

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