Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Day 70: Happy St. Patty's Day!

Today I got up normal time and went to class. In class, we got back in our groups assigned from the last class and did some work. After class, I came back and did our homework and then worked on my schedule for course request for next semester. Before I knew it, it was time for dinner, which was the spinach pesto pasta with the cookies and cream mousse. After dinner, Amanda, Loran, Amy and I headed to the Irish Pub and met up with Sheley and her family. We hung out for a bit and then Amy and Amanda were ready to go home, so we left with them. We hadn't been walking a minute before we passed Lindsey T, both Taylors, Annie, Alex and Kaitlyn coming to the Irish Pub, so Loren and I went back with them. We all hung out and had a great time, and I had my first Irish Car Bomb, which was very yummy. A little after midnight, Loren and I headed home and then I went on to bed.

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