Thursday, March 19, 2015

Day 71: Wednesday already??

Today I woke up and went to class, as I do every other day in the week. After class, I ate lunch with Sheley on her balcony while she started opening her birthday care package from her mom. I then did some homework and cleaned up my room, and then Amanda convinced me to go on a run with her, and I'm so glad I did! It was an absolutely beautiful day and it was nice to see different parts of Lugano. After my run, I saw the rest of Sheley's care package and she invited me to dinner with her dad and family who are visiting for the week, so I showered and got ready and then we went to Anna Capri (the restaurant just by the train station). We had yummy appetizers and I had a white pizza with apples and all kinds of good cheeses that was to die for. After dinner, I said by to her family, facetimed mom for a while, finished up some homework, and then went to bed.

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