Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Day 69: Class #3

Today I woke up, but got to sleep in some because due to some technical difficulties with our professors, we didn't start until 10, so that was very nice right after the 10-day trip. In class, we met the new professors and did you typical things you do in a new class. After class, we found out the gym was closed all week, so while I was excited to not have Italian today, that was a huge bummer. Once I got back to the Montarina, I hung out with Sheley a bit, did some homework and then it was time for dinner. Dinner was some kind of bun-less cheeseburger, which was strange but tasted fine with green beans and potatoes, with the weird chocolate pudding thing for desert. After dinner, I met Sheley's step brother and sister because her Dad finally got in from their delayed flight. They had gone out to eat and brought me the leftovers, which was super nice. And then after doing some more homework, I headed to bed.

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