Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Day 9: Preparing for the Weekend

Today was another class day in the morning and then came home for the afternoon. After eating some lunch, my first travel group headed to the train station to activate our Eurail passes and reserve our trains to head to Florence on Friday. Activating the passes was a breeze, but the reservations became tricky because of some miscommunication with the staff. We left the train station without reserving because of a high cost we were not expecting. As we got back to the Montarina, we spoke with another group traveling to Florence and realized what the miscommunication was. Thanks to Michael, we figured out how to do the reservations online. For the first train to Milan, our group would travel together as a whole, and then from Milan to Florence, Sheley and I would have to be on a separate car. We had our normal meal at the Montarina for dinner, and ended the evening packing for Florence and studying for class the next day.

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