Thursday, January 22, 2015

Day 15: WE GOT TO SLEEP IN… kinda

As a “test” according to Brinberg, for reasons unknown, we got to have class an hour later today, which meant an hour more of sleep.. yay! We headed to class as normal, got back our first set of graded quizzes (eye opener that I might need to put a little more effort into studying..oops), and had class like normal. What was cool, but got quickly annoying, today was that it was the first official snow of Lugano that we were all here for since we arrived. After class we all headed back to the Montarina to get work done, just like another Wednesday. We also looked more into our trip to Munich this weekend and our first 10 day trip to the UK. We are going to plan on a full day tour on Saturday in Munich and then head to Dachau on Sunday. I also got to have my first Montarina laundry experience today… and my mesh bag holding all my socks, bras, and underwear somehow got dumped out, so the search for all those things was fun to say the least. But I found all but the match to one sock, which I’m hoping will come up eventually. We had another nice dinner at the Montarina and then came home and did some school work before bed. Tomorrow we will be discussing conflict in the Middle East, and I am very interested to see how this will go.

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