Thursday, January 22, 2015

Day 11: Florence. Is. Amazing.

After a super fun Friday night out, we were all ready to see what else Florence would bring us. We got up decently early and first headed to Uffizi, which was an experience to say the least. I am not typically a museum girl, but all of the old artwork, sculptures, and just the building itself was absolutely breathtaking. We spent a couple hours there and then headed to a recommendation from Sheley’s friend for lunch: Gusta Pizza. And let me tell you, it was worth every cent, calorie, step it took to get there, and everything in between. Hands down, best pizza I’ve ever had in my life, which I’m sure I’ll be dreaming about for the rest of my life. After lunch, we headed to a recommended gelato place. My stomach was a little uneasy from eating every bite at Gusta Pizza, so I sadly didn’t get any.

After gelato, we headed over to the Academia where we saw The David, which was beyond words. You hear all the time how stunning it is, but it truly is one of those pieces of art that you cannot appreciate unless you’re actually there. Among the David, we also saw many other magnificent sculptures and pieces of art. After that, we decided to save the rest of the sightseeing until the next day and headed home to get ready for dinner. For dinner that evening, we headed to a recommendation from the other group of girls that went to Florence this same weekend called Il Gatto e la Volpe. There, I ordered some yummy wine, and a very interesting, but tasty mixed seafood dish. I struggled a tad on how to eat some parts of it, but had no problem finishing almost every bite. Along with our meal, we also had some yummy bread with olive oil and balbalsamic dressing, and a hilarious waiter.

After dinner, we went back to the apartment for about an hour before we headed out again for the night. We went to Uncle Jimmy’s again to meet up with the second group in Florence, and it was a great time. I decided to give the Alabama Slammer 2 a try, but stuck with my Captain Morgan shots, of course.

Around 2 a.m., the other group headed home, but as we were leaving, some people our group had met that evening wanted to head to a club called Space Electronica. This was a club Sheley’s friends had recommended her to not go to due to some bad reputations, but our group wanted to go scope it out anyway… bad decision. We got to the club and while we were discussing whether or not to go in, one of our girls headed in without any of us noticing. Unfortunately, that meant we had to go find her, but in the end, we got her home safely and without losing anything but some Euros to the ridiculous bouncers.

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