Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Day 19: Dachau and heading home from Munich

Sunday morning we all woke up and took the train to Dachau to visit the Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site. While we missed our stop the first train ride, we back tracked and made it. There, we had a few minutes to wait for the bus to take us to the memorial site, so we stopped in the bakery across the street. Once we caught the bus, we purchased the audio tour for memorial site and went through it. It was one of those experiences that you truly cannot explain. Seeing the sites and hearing about the historical details really put into perspective a more realistic view of what happened in Dachau. After we all finished, we headed back to the train station, grabbed some snacks (I, of course, found a BRIE STUFFED PRETZEL), and then took the train back to Lugano around 4pm. This time we just switched train in Zuerich and arrived in Lugano just before midnight. I came home, slightly unpacked my things, and crashed.

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