Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Day 17: Off to Munich!

Today we had our normal class in the morning, and were let out early because a couple groups wanted to catch noon(ish) trains. My group was headed to Munich, while others were going to Rome, Berlin, Salzburg, Vienna, and Nice. After class we headed back to the Montarina, grabbed our things, and headed to the train station. We took the train from Lugano to Zuerich to Tuttlingen to Sigmaringen to ULM HBF (whatever that is) to Munich, arriving around 8:30 p.m. We then headed to our hostel... which was an experience. While we can look back and laugh at it now because all went well (with the exception of a tick on Sheley's pillow...), I would most definitely not recommend staying there... to anyone. It was called Hotel Modern, however nothing about the place was hotel-like, nor modern. Upon arrival, the hostel did not have the two rooms we booked and we ended up having to split for the first night with Michael in a room to himself, which was by far the sketchiest room of the "hotel." But we made it through, and that's all that matters.
After checking in and getting ready, we headed to dinner to a recommended place from some of Amy's friend from Munich. We went to a (very) large German beer hall called Augustiner Brau Munchen, where I had some delicious beer and Venison Goulash with bread dumpling and cranberries. We also witnessed Jess order apple strudel, and come to near tears eating it because she fell in love.
After dinner, we went back to the hostel and met up with Amy who went to dinner with her friends. We got ready and then headed out to a bar called Sausalitos. We all had a good time, and witnessed a very intoxicated guy dump an entire beer on the floor and then later on try to undress himself... luckily he did not and then we headed home to our lovely first night in "Hotel" Modern.

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