Thursday, January 22, 2015

Day 13: First Monday after a traveling weekend…

After a long and tiring- but oh so worth it- weekend, it was time to head to class bright and early this morning. While it was a struggle to say the least, I made it on time and awake (somewhat). We had a quiz first thing, which my tired brain struggled with slightly, but it was okay. We shared all our traveling stories after the quiz. We had groups go to Florence, Munich, Interlaken, and the house moms went to Austria. It was very exciting to hear about everyone’s experiences, and to hear Brinberg’s comments about them as well. After class, I stuck around at Franklin because we began our Italian class as well, and mine wasn’t scheduled until 2:30. In between classes, I went to the cafeteria for lunch and got a yummy salad, and then spent some time in the library getting work done. Italian class was… interesting. Our teacher is very nice and seems very knowledgeable, but is only used to teaching Franklin students, so it will be an adjustment for all of us. Brinberg assured us he would have a talk with her about rearranging some of the class to accommodate our program, so we will see how that goes later this week. After Italian, I came home and a group of us took a trip to the grocery store. We went to Coop this time, which was slightly cheaper and smaller than Migros, which we went to the first time. We got all we needed and then came home and got some work done before dinner. Dinner was a normal pasta dish, but with a REALLY good sorbet for dessert. After dinner, we discussed possible plans for the weekend with different groups, but didn’t decide on any specific plans yet.

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