Thursday, January 22, 2015

Day 16: First (of most likely many) class discussions

Today was not a normal class day for us. Instead of teaching more "consumer behavior," Brinberg had us research the history of conflict in the Middle East prior to class to have an informed discussion and debate during class. Because I had little knowledge of the subject, it was very interesting not only researching for the discussion, but being able to hear all the opinions about it all from my classmates and Brinberg himself. The discussion lasted most of class, until we switched subjects to another article we read about our sheltered generation, which led to discussion on social media and other things, which was also very interesting to hear.
Following class, I headed to the gym and then had my second Italian class. My teacher still is unaware of the schedule of our program and her teaching style is still just as all-over-the-place, but we'll get through it step by step (hopefully...). After returning home, I completed some studying and updated my journals so I could get it checked for our first graded assignment. We had really good spinach tortellini for dinner at the Montarina, and after dinner I packed and got all my stuff together to go to Munich tomorrow!

P.S. - I found my sock!

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