Thursday, January 29, 2015

Day 20: Oh, Monday, we meet again

Waking up this morning was a struggle to say the absolute least. It was another laundry day so on top of trying to get myself ready for class and Italian, I also had to take care of that. But I made it on time and everything went fine. Class was normal and then Brinberg met with our Italian professor to discuss how the set-up of her class is. So Italian was a little different in the sense that now she understands we have a lot more time off than she thought, but her teaching style continues to be from every direction possible, so I'm still not confident in the end result, but we'll see I guess. After class I came back and went out on a grocery store run, and then did some work before dinner. Dinner was salad and pasta with zucchini, so I was a pretty happy girl. After dinner I just did some work and then headed to bed.

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