Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Day 6: First day of classes!

After a fun and exciting first couple days in Switzerland it was time for my least favorite part of this journey: school. We attend classes at Franklin University, just a 20-25 minute walk up the hill from the Montarina. For the first day, we did the typical introduction to class and first assignment. After class, Sheley and I ventured into town again to grab some things from the grocery store we wish we had bought the first time, and so that I could buy pencils and paper (because somehow my mom sent me to Europe without any school supplies...). After our grocery store run and wandering around Lugano, we came back and completed our assignments for class and ate dinner at the Montarina. This night we began our randomized table settings, so I got to meet and talk with girls I had not yet on the trip. After dinner, our group (Myself, Sheley, Loren, Michael, Amy and Rachel) planned our upcoming weekend trip to Florence and then headed to bed.

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