Thursday, January 29, 2015

Day 22: Worst day ever to be sick? Possibly.

While I did have the opportunity to sleep in today because class was cancelled, sleep wasn't exactly easy. While I'm hoping it's just a cold, I woke up feeling gross with zero energy. In the morning I worked on my paper and got a rough draft finished. Around lunch time, I went with a group of girls into town to go to the grocery store and H&M. I wanted to try to find some cold medicine, but wasn't successful so I grabbed some tea to try to help. At H&M I found a cute black dress on sale for pretty cheap to wear to Venice this weekend and for other events throughout the trip.
Once we were done, I caught the FuniBus home, which was my first time, but is so much easier than walking up the hill-of-death in town. After shopping, I came back and finished up my paper, and read over the chapters for tomorrow's class discussion. At 6 we had a presentation from a friend of Brinberg's to teach us more about Switzerland. After the presentation, we had dinner which was chicken-nugget type things with rice and my favorite green beans, and a really good apple(ish) type pie for dessert. After dinner, I finished my second paper and planned more of my 10-day trip to the UK with the same group I traveled to Florence with. We didn't get everything booked, but we now have all our flights and our hostel for Dublin booked, so it's a start. I then updated some of my blog and went to bed.

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