Thursday, January 29, 2015

Day 21: Midterm day... :(

Today we had class as normal, but after were assigned our first (of many, I'm sure) midterm papers. We had to pick a social issue that is important to us and apply it to the concepts we have learned so far in class. We had some time before he sent out the assignment after class, so I headed to the gym and then went to the library when I was finished to start on another paper for our Study Abroad class that is due Thursday. Once the midterm was posted, I chose the topic of standardized testing in school systems and begin my project. Once my computer started dying, I headed back to the Montarina and kept working on the paper. At dinner, Brinberg announced that class the next day was cancelled so that we would have sufficient time to work on our papers (and also meant I would get to sleep in for the first time since ever...). Dinner was probably one my favorites so far: baked chicken with sauteed vegetables. You wouldn't think that would be something I missed so much, but it most definitely was. After dinner I had Brinberg look over the start to my paper and then I tweaked what was needed, worked on it some more, and then headed to bed.

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