Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Day 18: Pretzels, Palaces, and Pints of Beer

We woke up decently early this morning and went into town to catch an off-and-on bus tour to see Munich. The group got slightly separated at first so the first half of the tour was only six of us, while Michael and Jess were on their own. We first went to Nymphenburg Palace, then to the BMW museum, Olympic Park, and then just rode the bus for the remaining stops. We got off the bus and grabbed lunch, where I just got a simple cheese sandwich and fries. From there, we walked through the main square and got to see more of Munich. We headed back to the hostel, got ready, and went out to dinner at Hofbrauhaus, where I had DELECIOUS spatzle, which was like mac and cheese on German steroids. I also had two pints of beer and a pretzel bigger than my face. Our plan was to go out after Hofbrauhaus, but we were all exhausted so we just went to bed.

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