Thursday, April 2, 2015

Day 79: Off to Rome!

Today I got up and went to class, as per usual. In between class and Italian, we booked our hostels for Prague and Budapest on the last 10-day and I studied for my Italian quiz, which I know I've said every time that I think I did poorly, but this one might have actually been awful... oops. Anyway, after Italian I came back to the Montarina and grabbed my stuff and we got on the train to head to Rome because we had Friday off of class this week. My group this time was Sheley, Loren, Rachel and Kelsey who I haven't been able to travel with yet, so I'm very excited for it! We trained from Lugano to Milan then to Rome and checked into our hostel, which was Four Seasons Hostel located right near the train station. After checking in, we asked the front desk for a close recommendation for dinner and went there. I got a special with water, pasta, and desert. I got noodles with a tomato chili sauce and a fruity jello kinda desert. After dinner, we headed to bed to get ready for tomorrow at the Vatican!

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