Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Day 94: Last time waking up in a new place..

Today we woke up and grabbed early brunch in the town square at a place called Bepa. There, a lot of the girls got seafood and different things, but I chose the avocado, roasted red pepper, hummus and feta cheese sandwich and fries on the side (which resembled buffalo chips from Bdubbs... miss that place so much) and it was AMAZING. I could probably eat the meal a million times and be content with life. After brunch, we headed to Diocletian's palace and went up the bell tower, in the sphinx, in the basilica and explored all around the different parts of it. After spending a couple hours there, we headed to the markets in town and then ventured to the beach. While some people were laying out and swimming in their bathing suits, we weren't feeling it was quite warm enough for that yet so we just walked in to our ankles and hung out around the water there.
We spent a good amount of time relaxing at the beach before heading back to the apartment to get ready for our evening. We first at dinner at a really good restaurant near our hostel, where I got seafood risotto that was probably some of the best I've had on this whole trip.Following dinner, we walked into town in hopes to meet with a pub craw, but unfortunately found out it wasn't running because the summer season had not quite yet begun, so we decided to just get some wine and have a girls night in instead. Amanda, Loren, Amy and I sat around in Amanda and Loren's room talking about any and everything, watching dumb movies and music videos, and had a great time before heading to bed.

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