Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Day 87: Off to Prague!

This morning we got up and caught the 8:11 train to start our journey to Prague. My travel group for this 10-day is Amanda, Loren, Sheley and Amy, but Alle is also traveling with us and staying with us while she is in Prague. We first took the train to Zurich, then switched to a train to Stuttgart, then switched to a train to take us to Munich. In Munich, we had a short layover that allowed us time to grab lunch and snacks for the rest of the day. I got curry worst and my ever beloved brie pretzel I had missed to much since the second weekend.
After grabbing snacks, we got on the train to Prague; however, in the middle, the entire train had to switch and catch a shuttle to take us to another train station to get us all the way to Prague. We got in fairly late and walked from the station to our hostel. We are staying in Advantage hostel and while we thought we would be sharing beds because Alle joined in with us for Prague after we booked our 5-bed room, we lucked up and got put into a 6-bed instead so she had a bed to herself. Once we put our things down, we went to an atm and then headed to bed after an exhausting day of travel.

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