Thursday, April 2, 2015

Days 83 & 84: So done with group projects.

This Monday and Tuesday were normal "its the third week of class, so finish up your group projects" days. Monday I did my normal class, gym, Italian routine. Came home and worked on group project stuff and then went to dinner. Dinner was bowtie pasta with red sauce and the cake batter kinda mouse thing for desert. After dinner I met with my group to finish up our paper and then headed to bed.
Tuesday we did a small group presentation on outlets of social media and then worked on our final projects all class. After class, I went to the library and caught up on all the millions of pictures I needed to upload and then went to the gym. On the way, Amanda and I tried a "shortcut" she thought she knew which ended us in a school neighborhood, but was absolutely stunning so it wasn't all that. Eventually we just backtracked and headed our normal way. Once I got back from the gym, I met with my group again before dinner to practice our presentation and then went to dinner, which was the chicken patty with corn and potatoes and chocolate pudding thing for desert. After dinner, I had free time for once so I watched Eurotrip and then headed to bed.

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