Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Days 97, 98, 99: Last full week...?!

These three days of our last full week of this trip (hard to believe!) were full of working on our field practicum project. On Monday we met in our normal classroom and Franklin so Brinberg could explain the projects to us and divide the groups up. My group for this one was Loren, Amanda, Amy, Jess, Leighton, and Kellsie. Because he had so much frustration trying to split up all the groups from the beginning, he decided to put us with the people we hang out with and travel with the most, which I was completely fine with.After class Monday, I went to the gym with Amanda and then went back for Italian. We had a normal class of just going over old quizzes and the midterm to prepare for our final. After class, we met with our group again for the field practicum and then I went to the grocery store. We then went to dinner, which was bowtie pasta with red sauce with the ice cream block, but this time it was a pineapple flavor, which was much better than the normal strawberry one. After dinner, I worked on some Italian stuff with Amanda and then went to bed.Tuesday I woke up, did a little yoga because I was pretty sore from the gym Monday and then my group met in my room to work on our project. After we met, Amanda and I went to the gym and then when we got back, I grabbed some lunch, worked on some things and then we met with our group again. After our second meeting, we went to dinner which was the chicken on a bone with sauteed veggies and the apple pie for desert, so I was pretty happy. After dinner I had plans to facetime Mom, but I fell asleep with all my lights on so we had to postpone.Wednesday I got up and did the same thing as Tuesday. After meeting with my group, though, Amanda, Loren, and I went to the pool and laid out for a while with some of the other girls. Once we came back in, I ate lunch and did a little exercise in my room before meeting with my group again. Just as the other two nights, after we met, we went to dinner which was mystery meet with potatoes and carrots and strawberry sorbet for desert. While the mystery meat isn't my favorite, a lot of other girls like it even less so there's always extra which is always a plus since these dinners never seem to fill me up. After dinner, we met with my group again and then I facetimed Mom before heading to bed.

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