Thursday, April 2, 2015

Day 81: Lovin Roma!

Today we were a little slow moving from having so much fun from the night before, but we put our big girl panties on and headed out. First we stopped at Chicken Hut and a greek place right by the train station to get our feel better food and then headed to the Colosseum.
It was really an overwhelming feeling to be in such a huge place with so much history. We spent some time looking at the different levels and parts of the Colosseum and then headed to the Roman Forum and Palatine Hill. Both of these were places I didn't know much about other than their names, but the Forum especially was really beautiful and really interesting to see all the ruins and whatnot.
We then headed to see Trevi Fountain, which was a definite disappointment because its under construction, but it was still cool to see. We then headed to see the Pantheon, which was again really stunning but was closed so we decided to head back Sunday to try and hope it would be open.
After seeing the Pantheon, we got gelato at Della Palma, which had over 150 flavors... so of course I got a large cone and tried strawberry cheesecake, mint chocolate chip, kinder something, and mango... all were to die for. After gelato, we headed to see the Spanish steps, but they weren't all that great because they were so crowded, we couldn't really see much.
We then headed back to the hostel to get ready for dinner. We tried going to the endless pasta place again, but realized we needed a reservation after going there, so we walked back towards the hostel and found a place that ended up being really good. We all got really good bruschetta for appetizer, lots of wine, and then a pasta with shrimp, zucchini, and tomatoes. After dinner, we were all pretty tired so we just headed to bed.

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