Thursday, April 2, 2015

Days 85 & 86: Presentations and last days at Franklin

These were our last two days of class, which meant group presentations all morning long... fun. My group was lucky enough to get picked to go first and get it out of the way. After presenting, we watched four other groups go and then I headed to the gym. After the gym, I came back and felt such a relief to be done with the semester (other than the final class of Italian and field practicum). I worked on my Italian homework, straightened up my room, and then headed to dinner. For dinner we had the pesto/spinach pasta with apple pie for desert. A couple girls at my table didn't eat their desert, so naturally, I split one of those with Michael. After dinner, I showered and just relaxed before heading to bed.
Thursday I watched group presentations and we got out of class early so I had extra time in the gym before going to Italian, which was really nice. Before Italian, I looked up things to do in Prague and Budapest. In Italian we got back our quizzes, and as expected, I didn't do so hot. Leaving Italian, I realized this would be one of my last times in Franklin, besides coming for Italian, so I took a second to admire the beauty of the campus and then headed home. We had beef with sauce, rice, and peas and mango sorbet for desert. After dinner, I finished packing and the Kelsey slept over in our room because her roommates were waking up super early to leave for their 10-day.

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