Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Day 93: Budapest --> Croatia

Today we had to wake up extremely early and metro from our hostel to the train station to catch our train at 6 am to Croatia. Unfortunately, upon getting on the train, we were advised by one of the workers and some fellow passengers that we would have to be switching stations with some buses along the way. We trained for a while, got off and bused for a while, got back on another train, got back on another bus, then finally got on another train that took us all the way to Zagreb, the capital of Croatia. When we got to Zagreb, we decided to grab food at McDonalds so we could have wifi and somewhere to hang out for our two hour layover. After looking at the menu, I decided to go with their grilled chicken wraps, which took me back to this summer when I would always grab them on my way home from working at Coopers. Once we finished and our time was up, we then had a straight shot train from Zagreb to Split. We got in around 10 p.m. where we met the lady who was renting the apartment to us. Her and her mother drove us to the apartment from the station and there Sheley and I decided to stay in the Lavender room. We got settled and then all went to bed.

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