Thursday, April 2, 2015

Day 80: Vatican City!

Today we got up pretty early and took the metro to Vatican City. There, we decided to first head to the Museum and Sistine Chapel because the line for St. Peter's Basilica was very long. Unfortunately, that line was quite long too but we waited it out, bought some umbrellas in line from the pests when it was raining, and finally made it in, but it was well worth it.
Once we were there, a couple people grabbed snacks and then we headed to the Basilica line, which was slightly shorter than before, but again wayyyy beyond worth the line wait. Both places were absolutely breathtaking that pictures cannot do it justice.
Once we finished up everything in Vatican City, we planned to head to a recommended endless pasta place, but it was closed until too late than we wanted so we headed back to our hostel and ate at a place I found on trip adviser. There a couple of us got the "super meal deal" plates, which was a huge mistake. It was unlimited bread, a full plate of gnocchi as an APPETIZER, then a meal with chicken, salad and potatoes, but then desert. We were in food comas to the max and I couldn't finish a single part of meal. We got lots of food for a little amount of money, but we were all STUFFED.
After dinner, we headed back to the hostel and got ready to go out for our Rome Pub Crawl that met at the Colosseum...casual. This one we found online that included unlimited bar for a certain time, free t-shirt, and FREE PIZZA! It was so much fun.. we played games and got to meet lots of new people. Loren and I headed back first, and Sheley, Kelsey, and Rachel came home later and then we all headed to bed.

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