Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Day 90: Prague --> Budapest

Today we got up decently early, ate our last free hostel breakfast, checked out of our hostel and got to the train station to catch our train around 9. There, we all had a little bit of cash leftover that we can't use anymore, so we got snacks a souvenirs for the train. The train was a straight shot to Budapest and once we got there, we took the metro to our hostel, which was Wombats as recommended by Emily (my roommate). We thought we were going to have a 6-bed mixed dorm (meaning we would have a random roommate we didn't know), but it actually worked out that the room we were put in only had 5 beds so we ended up with the room and bathroom to ourselves, which was really nice. 
After settling in and getting ready, we headed to a place Loren had found on trip adviser that was also advertised by the front desk of the hostel. It was a buffet with unlimited food and drink just down the street from our hostel with traditional Hungarian food. I tried everything from shark to African catfish and every side and desert you could think of. After dinner, we went back to the hostel and the other girls headed out to a ruin pub we had heard was really cool and I just stayed in to get some sleep.

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