Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Day 89: Happy Easter from Prague!

Today we got up and all grabbed our free hostel breakfast. Alle left to head with the other girls to Budapest because they flew to Prague and would be an extra day ahead of us for the 10-day. We then headed to the John Lennon Wall, which was really cool to see. While it was smaller than I was expecting, it was really beautiful to see all the artwork done there. And surprisingly enough, while there was some graffiti, it wasn't nearly as much as the East Side Gallery in Berlin.After spending some time at the Wall, we headed to Prague Castle. We paid for the extra ticket to see all the different parts. It was pretty and I'm glad we did it, but compared to other castles we've been to, it wasn't my favorite (as bratty as that sounds). There just wasn't that much to the different areas and very little history or explanations posted, so if you didn't know much about everything before going, there wasn't much to learn either. 
We then headed back to the Easter Market again where Sheley and I sorta pigged out on all the special Prague snacks we had been seeing around. We started out with these fried dough type things that were topped with garlic sauce, cheese and ketchup. We were a tad hesitant about the combination, but were not let down once we tried it. We then headed over for chip cones round 2... where the guy recognized us... for each getting our own chip cones... because apparently most people split them... and we each got our own... two days in a row... whoops. We then tried the cinnamon cylinder dough things we had all been raving about... and I could have eaten a million of those. The outside was crunchy with caramelized cinnamon and sugar while the inside was warm and gooey goodness. Just great all around. 
Once we ate our weight in snacks, we headed back to the hostel and hung out for a bit before heading to dinner. We asked the hostel for a recommendation for a traditional Czech restaurant and she sent us to a place just down the road from us. When we got there, we were definitely the only tourists in the place, but it was well worth it. We all had a little extra money to spend, so I got garlic soup to start with, then cheese battered fried chicken pieces with green beans with bacon and potato pancakes. After we all ordered, the waitress informed us we all ordered way too much food, but we ate most of it anyway... oops. Everything was aaamazing and my mouth is watering now just thinking about it. We then all went back to the hostel, packed, and passed out into our food comas.

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